

Once I figure out what kind of a person I am I’ll let you know, but for now I am this man right here (Photo credit: //Mick Gallagher//).

I’m homeless. I’m a nuisance.  I take up space. I gravitate to the simple pleasures. I am a bum.

I’m a bum.

//I’m a bum.

This last year I found myself in a cave and this is what happens when you have found yourself in the deepest crevice. All I see is stone, colorless, lightless walls. I don’t even have water to quench my thirst or at least to remind me what I look like. All I can do is reflect what I know. That I am not there yet. I’m lost. I’m straining for light. I am searching for a way out.

//I’m not lost.

I haven’t withdrawn completely. I branch out, but not without my handmade sign that begs for understanding. Mine says:

/insecure about past, present, and future, tell me what to do–>

Or just bum me a cigarette/

//I’m trying.

I found a man that I really liked. However, as unexperienced as I am in navigation (This compass has water in it!). I believe I’m fucking it up. Empathize with me? Not only do I gravitate to the secure and wealthy, I gravitate to the hard water. When I get to it, I never know what to do. Lick it? Melt it? Break it? I’m so thirsty.

//I’m hungry.

So there is a resolution. I have decided to accept my calling in this endless summer. I will remain. I kind of like this cave. Fuck it. I’ll break the compass and drink from it’s contents, can’t understand it anyhow.

//Fuck direction.

I’ll find my way out. I will feed on the sand I tread. I’ll learn several trades such as cave art. People will excavate this mother and find my visions. If I die, this will be my legacy.

I ripped my sign in half. Now it says:

/hat to do –> Or just bum me a cigarette/

At the end of it all, I will either leave this cave scathed, beaten, and humbled. Or I will die in its rooms with my life bled on the walls. It’s a shitty situation, but I’m not getting out of it anytime soon so I accept it and hope someone will give me a fucking cigarette.

– ;)

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